Canoeists and Swimmers
Are you planning a canoeing / kayaking / swimming trip ending at Monmouth? If so, please read on!
Landing: The best place to land is the second set of steps on the town side of the river (just downstream from the club and shown on the left hand side in the picture) - these are public and involve less risk of getting tangled up with rowers (and vice versa!) You'll also be just next to the car park which might make manoeuvring your craft on to the steps a little easier.
Parking: There is a large public parking area just opposite Monmouth Rowing Club, where you are free to park. At the moment there are no parking charges there (though the council have put charging machines up that haven't come into force, so you might just want to glance at them when you arrive to check the charges haven't yet come in).
PLEASE NOTE: parking in the tarmacked area immediately next to the club itself is reserved. Sometimes that area needs to be cleared for trailers to get through, so please don't park there.

This image of the river level is updated every 30 mins